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As a tropical nation, the Philippines is an important country for maintaining and improving the health of the world's tropical rainforests. Tropical forests around the globe are vital in many ways. They are home to between 50-90% of Earth's species; one quarter of all medicines come from tropical plants; and tropical forests are a major player in the fight against climate change, as they store massive amounts of carbon dioxide and clean the air we breathe.
Tropical forests in the Philippines have been hit particularly hard by logging and resource extraction - only 6% of the country is now covered in rainforest.
In an effort to stop the destruction of critical forests, the Filipino government put a moratorium on logging in areas where biodiversity is threatened, and as of 2015, the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) ranked the Philippines fifth in the world for annual forest coverage gain.
Our partners work with local communities and indigenous groups to support sustainable livelihoods through tree planting and agroforestry. Furthermore, jobs in tree nurseries help local women, improving gender equality.
Trees aid in restoring the water cycle of a landscape, preventing erosion and reducing catastrophic flooding. Additionally, trees filter and clean the air while helping in the fight against climate change by trapping carbon .
The Philippine's forests provide habitat for endangered species such as the Philippine Eagle, Philippine Tarsier, Luzon Bleeding-heart Dove and thousands of other species, many found nowhere else on Earth.